Plan and Promote Your Podcast
With 10 Incredible Tools for the Price of One!

Trusted by over 365+ podcasters since 2020

$17 (Regular: $37)

Grab n' go templates by and for podcasters

What's Inside:

2025 Podcast Planner Spreadsheet

Episode Planning Checklist

Show Notes Template

Episode Description Template

30+ Episode Ideas

Limited-Time Bonus Going Away Soon!

Guest Pitch Templates

Podcast Analytics Workbook

YouTube Thumbnail Templates

Swell AI Prompts

12-Month Podcast Publicity Planner

Private Podcast Launch Checklist

Your favorite tools to have your best podcasting year yet!

Contact Information

Billing address

I agree to receive updates on this product and other helpful emails from Danielle Desir Corbett and The Course Consultant via email. I understand that this product is not to be sold, modified, or used commercially for clients and it is a non-refundable purchase.
I agree
Add this special offer to your cart!

Episode Cover Art Canva Templates

Download Now for ONLY $7!
Make your RSS feed stand out with these beautiful and easy to customize Episode Cover Art templates. Now every episode you publish can have it's own custom artwork!

Payment Information

You will not be charged for this purchase, but if you choose to make an optional purchase later, this card info will be used to complete that transaction!

Frequently Asked Questions
  • How long will it take for me to access this product?
    Instantly! You will receive a confirmation email immediately after checkout with links to access the planner.
  • I've purchased a podcast planner before. What is different this year?
    Great question! Our new features include a Downloads Tracker, Episode Planner Checklist, Guest Pitch Templates, a Podcast Analytics Workbook, and more -- everything you need to plan an epic year of podcasting!
  • How long do I have access to The Podcast Planner?
    You have access to the planner for as long as we stay in business, and we have no plans of shutting down anytime soon!
  • Do you offer refunds?
    Due to this product being entirely downloadable, we are not offering refunds.

    If you have any questions about the bundle before you purchase it, please email
Take a Look Inside

  • Total payment
  • 1x2025 Podcast Planner$17

All prices in USD

What our podcast planners are saying...
